Sunday, January 30, 2011

Gotan Project

Feeling good today! Need money but I am still feeling nice :)

Wish I were on a beach now getting burned but I'm at the library on this fine Sunday.
Hope you have an awesome week.

I love Gotan Project!!! The music is so heavenly. They make music seep into your veins and you feel so high off the notes that they bring to you through your ears lol. I love them so much!!!! Listen to this song below when you have a chance please :)


Its a tango and dub inspired sound.

Talk Later, Camille

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Setting My Sails

My sails are high in the sky! I am so lucky to meet such awesome people here in Syracuse, NY. OK, so I was promoted to Office Manager here at the Massage Therapy School. That is a huge accomplishment for me since I have been trying forever to grow with a company.

If you know me, you know that I cannot decide on a career for the life of me. Well... guess what??? I have decided to get my Masters in Advertising. I am currently studying the GRE (Graduates Records Exam) to get into Syracuse University so I can begin. It might be in 2012 but at least I finally decided. LOL.

This past holiday was so amazing! My mother came up to see me, my aunt, cousin, and uncle. This was the first holiday in years that I had an opportunity to spend it with family. The eve of Xmas was with Mike and his family. Man did they spoil me! I received so many gifts from them. Mikes parents are so awesome too, can't wait for my official title as their daughter-in-law ;) (wink wink).

More to come, until then
Camille :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Second Thoughts

If I moved back home to Florida, my attempts at a new life would be crushed. I moved to New York for love, independence and to find who I was. I ended up meeting the love of my life and am very happy I moved her to the CNY area. I might sound a litttle redundant, but I have to say to myself everyday so I can accept what I did.

Some people may be able to get over things, it just takes me a bit longer.

On a lighter note! I work at a fantastic place in Downtown Syracuse. No bonus this year but the compensate the entire staff had a choice between a massage, facial or a manicure! How awesome is that.