Sunday, November 14, 2010

7 Months Later....

Well it has been 7 months since I last posted anything here. One main reason was because it was so hard to sit and reflect on what happened! Where can I begin??? I can list all that has happened in a few quick bullets!

1)April, my first month in NY and the guy I was talking to turned into the biggest deuce bag so I walked out and never looked back!

2) May, I met Mike a wonderful guy on most awesome guy ever. Oh and it snowed on Mothers Day in Oneida, NY.

3) June- July, started hating my living situation and job, started looking again for another job. 4) August- found a new apartment closer to Syracuse, resigned from the hotel where I was working, cried a few nights from stress and missing my family.

4.)August 18th, 2010 my first apartment alone! So excited about starting a new thing. Oh and I started a new job at a massage therapy school.

5.) Present day-Met a cousin here in Syracuse that I never knew about. My dad saw Andrea in Jamaica and told her that his daughter Camille just moved to Syracuse! Give her a call. She is awesome. She lives here with her two daughters 13 and 17. Cool girls, they make me laugh all day.

Ok, ok I have written way too much and I need to give you details. Until next time! Much love.
Camille :)